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The SourcePointeHR Advantage

Every business has competition.  However, more successful businesses consistently beat their competition by creating advantages. SourcePointeHR's experts help you maximize efficiency, empower employees, work smarter and focus on doing what you do best.

"Companies with engaged employees outperform those without by 202%" 

(Source: Business 2 Community)

"Organizations with highly engaged employees had an average 3-year revenue growth 2.3 times greater than companies whose employees were only engaged at an average level."   

( Source: UNCKenanflager Business School)


"Customer retention rates are 18% higher on average when employees are highly engaged."

(Source: Cvent)

"Employees expect technology.  Employees today want options like direct deposit and self-service access to their payroll information online.  Employers that aren’t able to provide such options may be at a competitive disadvantage." 


Benefits Of HR Outsourcing: How Even Small Businesses Can Provide Great HR


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